Hana matoi Japanese maple is a stunning variegated acer palmatum dissectum. It has gorgeous multi-colored foliage that changes by season and sun exposure. This weeping maple is a show stopper in smaller gardens because of its constantly shifting color and lacy texture.

Cultivar Origin
Yutaka Tanaka of Tsukasa Nursery in Japan introduced acer palmatum Hana matoi. Since then, collectors around the world have prized this tree for its brilliant show of color throughout the season. The name translates as ‘flower mark’.

Hana Matoi Japanese Maple Leaves
Like most variegated maples, Hana matoi will color differently depending upon the type and amount of sun exposure. Fortunately, this tree can handle direct sun as well as full shade.
Sun vs Shade
If you plant Hana matoi in full sun, the leaves will burst with vibrant crimson tones and flashes of hot pink. The inner, more shaded leaves will be olive with pale pink variegation. If you have this tree in full sun, pinks and reds will fade to greens more quickly.

However, if you plant Hana matoi in full shade, you’ll be rewarded with swirls of pale pinks and whites over a flush of deep green. Additionally, the pink tones last a bit longer in the shade.

Spring Color of Hana Matoi Japanese Maple
Saturated hues of fuchsia, pale pink and green unfurl as the tree begins to leaf out in the spring. Variegation seems to hold well throughout the season, and the tree doesn’t revert like some other cultivars.

Fall Color of Hana Matoi Japanese Maple
In the fall, Hana matoi is a vibrant flaming red with pink undertones due to the variegation.

Bark Coloration
New growth is often bright pink, transitioning to deep red. Then, as summer approaches, red bark becomes more brown. Older wood has a yellow-green cast. Depending upon the rootstock, the trunk can may be bright green, adding more interest to the tree.
Size, Habit, Hardiness
Acer palmatum Hana matoi is a somewhat slow growing Japanese maple. It will reach about 3 feet wide in 10 years. It produces a low mounding, cascading umbrella. So, if you want a taller version, you’ll need to find one that’s grafted on a tall standard rootstock.

Most variegated maples require some shelter from the sun, and tend to be less hardy. However, Hana matoi is stronger, and will do well in ZONES 5-9.
Other Variegated Japanese Maples
If you love acer palmatum Hana matoi, check out these other variegated dissectum maples. If we’re sold out, place an order for next year and we’ll get the size you want.
Buy This Japanese Maple
Explore our online Japanese maple store to buy this tree. If we’re currently out of stock, you can contact us to inquire about unlisted specimens or future inventory.
Check out Geisha Gone Wild, Olsen’s Frosted Strawberry, Amagi Shigure, and Mikazuki for more pink variegated maples. If you prefer white cultivars, check out acer palmatum ‘Ukigumo’.