Ukigumo Japanese maple, which fittingly translates to “floating clouds,” reminds me of a Japanese ink landscape painting.

Ukigumo Japanese maple, which fittingly translates to “floating clouds,” reminds me of a Japanese ink landscape painting.
Amagi Shigure Japanese Maple Leaves & Bark Amagi Shigure Japanese maple has some of the most intense brick red colors I’ve seen in a tree. The spring colors are eye-popping fuchsia, shifting to deep brick red with dark greenish black veins. Leaves that get more shade take on a pale whitish-pink tone with vibrant green reticulation. Then, […]
Mikazuke Japanese maple is like a pot of simmering strawberry and rhubarb, saturated hues of bright watermelon, fuchsia and candy apple red.
Spring has been in full swing here at Topiary Gardens for over a month. After an unusually warm winter, we had one final freeze that reminded us why we keep our trees safe inside the tents and building until May. That nasty freeze shook some buds off a few trees growing in our gardens, but […]
Throughout the cold winter months, critters will be on the hunt for food. With snow making foraging difficult, they may resort to nibbling things other than fallen seeds and nuts- namely the bark on your Japanese maple trees. On top of that, squirrels have a nasty habit of snapping off small branches to mark […]